Rock the JBL EMT Practice Exam 2024 – Your Ultimate Emergency Adventure!

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What action should be taken for a patient experiencing anaphylaxis with severe respiratory distress?

Administer epinephrine and provide high-flow oxygen

For a patient experiencing anaphylaxis with severe respiratory distress, the correct course of action is to administer epinephrine and provide high-flow oxygen. Epinephrine is a crucial medication in the treatment of anaphylaxis as it helps reverse the symptoms of the allergic reaction, including the respiratory distress. Providing high-flow oxygen supports proper oxygenation which is vital in such a critical situation. Option B, applying a bag-valve mask and delivering breaths every 5 seconds, might help maintain the patient's airway but does not address the underlying issue of anaphylaxis. Option C, placing the patient in a seated position and administering antihistamines, is not recommended as antihistamines alone are insufficient for managing severe anaphylaxis. Option D, transporting the patient immediately without on-scene intervention, is also not the best option as prompt intervention with epinephrine and oxygen can significantly improve the patient's chances of recovery.

Apply a bag-valve mask and deliver breaths every 5 seconds

Place the patient in a seated position and administer antihistamines

Transport the patient immediately without on-scene intervention


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